Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Crazy Tire Day

Today started early. It was president's day, and most government places
were closed. I needed to take Michelle to the phycologist to make sure
everything was working correctly upstairs. Well, we started out and left
home in the van. We had already known that the back passenger tire
needed changing, but we didn't have the money for it. Today that tire
made it obviouse that we needed to change it as it went whump whump
along the way.

Suddenly, the whump whump changed to a flat tire sound! Grrrr!!! I made
sure the coast was clear and got to the emergency lane. I had just past
gate parkway and almost to southside on JTB. My past experience made
sure that I didn't get too off the road else the jack would not work
well on the grass.
I grabbed the jack and stareted getting the ripped tire off the van,
wondering what the heck I was going to do.
Next thing you know as I was busy working the jack, Zelina said "look!"
I looked back and there was the road warrior guy! He soon came up and
asked if he could help. I said I had it as this guy was about 60 or so.
He looked like he belonged on the back of a harley instead of a nice
white DOT shirt. His earring and tats gave him away. Although, I was
thankfull he was there to run his yellow lights to warn other cars.
While I was there, Michelle had called Doodle from church and she came
to pick her up likety-split. She left me and Zelina to finish up the
tire change while she went to her dr appointment.
I soon had the donut on, and we were on our way. Zelina and I went home
and watched "Rent" while we waited for the call to pick up Michelle. It
soon came and we went carefully on the donut through the backroads
keeping below 45mph. We picked her upand came back home.
I realized, since we were not using both vehicles at this time, that I
might be able to use the car's tires, but the numbers were different. I
called my dad to see if this would make a difference, and he said it
might. But then he said he would send me the money for a new one and he
western union'd the money right away.


By 3pm that afternoon, we were able to pickup the money and get the tire
changed! Woohoo!

We made homemade pizza at 5pm and then, We took Zelina to dance. What a
full day! I am glad it's finally over!

--Digitaltangent =^.^=


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