Friday, September 21, 2007

Kidney Stone

If you are NOT interested in medical, urine, blood, or in my general
well being, DO NOT keep reading. Ye have been warned! Arrrrrrg!

Hi Guys,
Well, Sunday night I started peeing a caramel colored substance called
urine. You might say to yourself, hey self, something is wrong here.
Well, you would be right! It had blood in it! So Monday, we went to the
dr's office. They tested to make sure it was blood, and it was. They
labeled it a urinary tract infection. Later that monday night, Michelle
took Zelina to dance. Meanwhile, pressure was building to biblical
proportions inside me. By 6:30pm, steam whistles, horns, alarms, bells
were going off! I was rolling in bed from the pain. It got to the point
that I was throwing up because ofthe pain. Michelle got home at 7:30p
that night and called the doctor on call. He said to go to the er room
if I was not able to keep anything down. So, we decided it was time to
go. Something had to stop this gut wrenching pain! When we got to
Memorial's fast track er room, they took my blood pressure, pulse, and
EKG. I also had to give them a sample of my deisel red gasoline I was
pumping out! They installed an IV line into my arm. (My first IV ever!)
then my pain started to diminish from 13 plus to a 5 or 6...then 3 or 4
then down to one when the dr came in to speak with me. The pain seemed
to leave just as fast as it came. They still wanted a cat scan, so I
complied under the influence of pain killers by this time. They found
that I was releasing a 3mm calcium pellet from my kidney. After a couple
of more hours, I was released at about 1am. They ordered me some
hydrocodene and cipro! Mmmm!
We spent Tuesday recovering and dazed. We slept off the industrial
strength pain meds, and we went to see my "primary care provider".

Wednesday, we spent the day calling the dr, trying to figure out when my
urologist appointment was. Later that evening, We went to church. I was
feeling very sore on the insides.

Thursday came, and we went to the labs to get blood work done in the
morning, and went to see the urinologist at McIver in the afternoon.
Boy, somebody must have peed in their cereal! They were very upset that
I didn't bring my insurance card and when I was able to get them a fax
of it, they were still not satisfied and they were planning to bill me
directly. Luckily, I work at a medical collections agency. They can't
scare me that easily. I am covered during the visit by referral and
insurance no matter what. What a buch of gustaphos they wanna be! Ha!
The dr was good. He gave me flowmax to try and shoot the remaining
calcium pellet out of my p-shooter.
Today, Friday, I finally went to work. They asked me to turn in my dr
slip so I won't be terminated from work for missing so many days. Thanks
HR. Don't do me any favors! But my supervisor is the best in the world.
She had already submitted my paid time off request for the times missed.
Thanks C!
I am still expexting a beautiful .5 oz 3mm baby. It will be my joy when
I see it emerge into this world! I will call it George. All the drs want
it for themselves already for evil experiments. I hope my next blog is
me reporting on the new baby George.

When will it emerge? Is it stuck? Will ct scans reveal that it was taken
by aliens? Tune in next time!
--Digitaltangent =^.^=


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