Friday, December 29, 2006


Well I've been busy.
Z had a great Christmas. Got her heelys and keyboard and she was all set. Meanwhile, I got a hard disk crash right on Christmas morning. At first I couldn't believe it, but then what do you expect for it being on for 24/7 for the last 7 years! Oh well now I am looking for a new barebones system at least and a hard drive. We will see.
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Frantic season

So, we got Z a pair of heelys,The I can play piano wizard ( ), voice password diary from her grandma,....ummmmm she is into rocks right now as far as collecting ....I want to also get a rock tumbler for her, so we have been looking... They are usually at walmart, but none so far which is wierd.

Today, Z has a play at school that she has been practicing for. They have a sign language part in it and Z helped teach several classes how to do it!Michelle is recording it.

This saturday, I am going to a geocaching event, and they will be collecting for 'Toys for Tots' so I have been collecting toys this week for that. I got a few toys now that I can turn in.

Oh and I am on vacation during these few days too! The job is the type of use it or lose it mentality. Too bad we can't sell it back. They are spoiling me with so much time off! Ha!
Keep on caching!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

SMG Christmas Party

So, I came early to help set up
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/ <*[[[[><

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Day off and sick!

Well, I finally got a friday off to do what I want and I get sick! I passed out in bed, but not because I wanted to. I woke up when M came home from school with Z. We went to friday night group and after that, I stayed up till 6am watching Smallville season 5. Yes I am behind. I am having problems with my comp and the stupid msoert2.dll file. Grrr! I searched the net and no one has an answer except that one person had the realization that you need to clean install xp again....ouch!
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/ <*[[[[><