Sunday, October 29, 2006

New Beginnings

Jersey Girl in the picture!

I went to work this morning from8 to12 noon then I tried to go help Caraloopy move,but she was pretty much done. Jersy Girl was there with her geodog Bruno and we went geocaching! We had fun doing some of my caches and other interesting ones. Michelle went to go visit her mom in Orlando and got back today, so we were able to go to a farewell party for a friend of ours going to back to Colombia. Lots of good food! Definitely an international send off with people there from bolivia, taiwan, bogota, colombia, Texas, panama, and puerto rico. I talked to my mom tonight and she was in good spirits. She had spent almost 2-3 days in the hosp again this week due to stomach pains and her arm falling asleep. She is afraid she is experiencing another stroke again whenever that happens. I also started my Byetta shots again as we got the money to get it since it was working so well! I hate it. It makes me feel terrible for about three or four hours when I take it. A lot of new begginings everywhere lately.
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/


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