Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How to Manage Temptation

Journey Deeper Into God's Word
How to manage temptation.

February 18, 2010 5:53 am

James 1:12 : Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he
is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath
promised to them that love him.

Many years ago a well known Christian leader I had some dealings with
was caught out having an affair.  He had been seeing another woman in
secret for more than 4 years. It really rocked me and the other
Christian men in my network.  We asked questions of each other, how
could this happen?  How could he allow himself to get into this
situation?  Why didn't his faith challenge him to stop?  And then a
young pastor friend of mine said to me, 'Mark this could happen to you
or I, we need to be vigilant.'  I have never forgotten this. 
Temptation is ever present in my life, this is part of life, and not
being tempted is unrealistic.  But I am no victim drawn towards sin
without little choice!  I can choose to manage temptation and not to
sin.  That is my choice.  There are some precautions, some things I
can do to avoid sin that are outlined in this amazing James 1:12

The first is to love God, which in the greek is agapao , meaning to be
devoted .  So I counter temptation and sin by spending a huge amount of
time thinking about God.  Reading His Word, in prayer, chatting with
others: making God a major focus in my life.

The second lesson from James 1:12 is the importance of enduring.  Just
keep going, stay on the path, being determined not to give up .  Stand

The third help I find in James 1:12 to reduce the affect of temptation,
is to desire the crown of life.  The crown is a reward given by a king,
and that king is God, and the reward ceremony will be in heaven!  This
is something I really need to work on, desiring my reward in heaven .

And the final help is to yearn to be blessed.  Blessed refers to
God's favour, of God working through my life in amazing and wonderful
ways -  oh I want that!

So how do I reduce the affects of temptation in my life?  I seek to be
devoted to God, to endure through the hardships, to desire after a
reward in heaven and to yearn to be blessed.  Praise God!!

God bless,

Posted by Mark Brown



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