Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Michelle was talking to mom, then handed the phone to me... I
immediately noticed she siezed.
It lasted 6 min exactly. 12.09.30 to 12.15.30. This is when she started
to verbalize again with strong stimuli to talk from my dad over the

I said bye to my dad and I told her to get into bed. I turned off all
the lights and found her wandering from the bed room into the living
room dazed and confused.

12.45a says her right middle head hurts
12.52 noticed mild twitching of her right arm and shoulder, legs, and
bodyas she tried to sleep on her left side.

She said she had an episode earlier today also around 2pm.

She did take her medicine as prescribed tonight. This included her anti
seizure medicine, topamax.
I prayed for her tonight health, peace. I reassured her of my love and
need for her in our family. She is very concerned that this will affect
her ability to go to school and work...etc. I reassured her that it is
in God's hands! It will be ok.

--Digitaltangent =^.^=

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Some geo fun!

Saturday morning, we went to the "5th Annual Caching through the
Holidays". It was so much fun! We got there just at 12p and ate a ham
and cheese sandwich and plenty of desserts to go around! Then we traded
our white elephant gift of a candy dish, and then took off caching! That
made this one my 600th find! Once we were done caching for the day, we
went to get pizza at Papa John's since it was now dark. Then we went to
a drive-in theatre and watched "Alvin and the Chipmonks" and then
watched "I am Legend". We came back home and after a quick shower
plopped into bed!
--Digitaltangent =^.^=

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jet on credit

Unintended use of a walmart gift card!
--Digitaltangent =^.^=