Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Fady went to Thanksgiving dinner!

Fady is one of my MVP friends. I have been trying to get him to visit
my church....evenso he can just say that he was there! But he kept just
saying no to me as if I was trying to push him a drug! But today I
think the free food got him hooked. He came by to visit and with Kelly,
his fiancè, as a bonus! They got to take some free food home and so did
--Digitaltangent =^.^=

Thursday, November 16, 2006


Wow! I have been working a lot lately! I was able to get a cache done on Monday! This was the "igot a gut feeling". It was a hard cache because it was basically buried! Not intentionally though. It must have rained and mud covered the cache up. The only way I found it was because I have a metal detector and I basically dug it up! It is not supposed to be buried. I would hate to be a poor soul that is looking for this one without a detector!
--Digitaltangent =^.^=

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Spanish group at Sal's place

As soon as I got back home from Texas, it was work, work,work! Friday I finally had a half day of work, and met with my friend Fady. He works at Prudential and just started and is trying to get his customer base going. We went in and had a great time talking about ourselves. Ha. They were definitly trying to sell us life insurance. Then, we went to a science store on Hood rd. They had so many cool chemistry experiments etc... Z got to go to a class about fierce animals and she loved it. After that, we went for spanish group and had pizza! Mmmm! We are going over the purple "Foundations" book from church. That is always fun. We finally made it back home at about 10:30p and passed out!
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/ <*[[[[><

Sunday, November 05, 2006


Since I didn't have time to go to mexico, I hope z won't be too mad at me if I get her some souveniers!
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/

On my way back to Florida

McAllen International Airport is like a Mini-Houston airport. You get treated the same except without all the people. Security personnel give nice pat downs.
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Jeepin' South Texas

Found yesterday while on the way home on US83.
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/

Dr today

I woke up early today cause my body's clock went off and my eyes poped open! Ha ..I need to get a new alarm clock! I said happy birthday to my dad as the rest of my nephews came in hugging him for his birthday as they went to school. So we went to Mcd and got breakfast. I finally convinced my mom to go to the foot dr and the dr diagnosed with a possible fracture and gave her a soft cast, a shot for the pain and some take home celebrex. He is a good dr.

Having lunch now..mmmmmm!
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Texas Time!

Mom and dad were happy to see me. Y@Y!
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/

Going to the Valley

Hope the second flight is as smoth as the first.
--Digitaltangent =^.^= \lm/